Thursday, March 29, 2012

  How To Get Sexy Full Eyebrows | Britney's Beauty Blog
I have always heard that there will come a time in your life when your eyebrows will stop growing back as quickly and as full as they used to.  I have always plucked my eyebrows and I never had a problem with a thin and sparse eyebrow line, that is until lately!  I have been noticing that my eyebrows are looking a little too skinny which is causing me to look... I hate to even say it but...older!!!  I mean "older lady" older, not just "mature" older! So, I decided that I really need to use an eyebrow pencil to "create" the appearance of a healthy, youthful looking brow line.
I  have always used a brow pencil but I only needed to use it sparingly, so much so that it was completely unnoticeable.  But now that I have to use much more pencil I am starting to panic.  Why? Because I always associated moderate to heavy eyebrow penciling with the little old ladies that pencil in their jet black brows. I don't want that "obviously penciled in" look, I want a fuller natural looking brow line. This is why I decide to try the new Maybelline Master Shape Brow Pencil. This brow pencil helped me to create that natural looking, full brow line that I was looking to achieve.  The colors are subtle and pencil design allows me to create "hair like fine lines" for a very natural look. And I love the how-to video on Maybelline.com that showed me exactly where my brows should start and end.  My brows look naturally full again and I love the way I look. Please let me know what you think about the Maybelline Master Shape Brow Pencil.  Till then! B.

Photo from Maybelline.com


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